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Monday, March 24, 2014


And after 17 days of holding onto hope, this is the moment for us to accept the truth that MH370 lost the battle.

As for me, tears just come out from my eyes without reasons when I first saw the news (no I didn't cry!) I mean they're not my family, I don't pray for them everyday, I don't read all the news or look for traces every hour but why did my heart hurt so bad? I've been believing they were being sucked into another world (like Thor's Asgard?) I believed in that without doubt, that they at least existed somewhere, that they were safe and started a new life because how could a big plane just disappear mysteriously like that? The news was like a slap to tell me to wake up from my imaginary dream. My mood was down all day, and I wonder how did their families handle this?

This probably won't be easy for them, I'm not gonna to tell them to stay strong or tell them to keep going on and forget it. There are time that you are deserved to be sad, to be hurt, to stop trying, to stop being strong, to stop hoping, to cry, or to breakdown... and time is the only medicine can heal the pain. But after sometime resting, I still hope they can get up by themselves, to think about a brighter side, to be able to remember the good memories only.

Somehow, I think the earlier the truth comes out the better, because living in hope is frightened. The longer you live in that hope, the wound will just keep getting bigger. At least, it can start to heal now.

It's ok to not be ok.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014


As I keep refreshing/reading the news about MH370 on BBCNews, my heart gets heavier. Considering that my mom, my family and I ride the plane not so often but at least once a year and once I stepped on the plane I would think oh I'll be there in ... hours, I hope that no one sits next to me, what kind of foods they have, kids don't cry, let me take a real good nap first... I never thought much about accidents, crashes, terrorism or how things could go wrong. And Boeing 777 on the MH370 flight is one of the biggest, most advanced and safest aircrafts in the world (I've been on B777 a few times!). So I don't know why we're so clueless about the plane right now and how that giant airplane in the sky just disappeared? 

How do you feel when you were waiting for someone at the airport, wondering how much they've changed, what you were going to say when you first see them after a while, to tell them how much you missed them but you never got to see them (again)? 

How do you feel when your husband/wife/daughter/son/friend/... left to work like every other day and you didn't know that was the last time they said "Goodbye, I'll see you later!"? 

We’re all expecting the worse but we're keep praying and hoping for the best. I hope they landed on some island and waiting for us as we're also waiting and looking for them. So please be safe somewhere, the passengers, the pilots and flight attendants on MH370!